Dress Code

Dress Code/ Uniform Policy


Download Dress Code/ Uniform Policy and Signature Form


  • Pants must be one solid color (navy blue, khaki or black)- Jeans are acceptable. 
  • Pants must fit at the waist without the aid of a belt. 
  • Uniform, dress style or jean shorts are acceptable (navy blue, khaki or black). The hem of the shorts must be at least fingertip length when the hands are fully extended at the sides. 


  • Skirts must be one solid color (navy blue, khaki or black).
  • The hem and any slit must be at least fingertip length when a student’s hands are fully extended at the side.

Shirts and Blouses

  • Shirts and blouses must be solid white, navy or light blue. They may be a button down or polo style. Any John Bidwell shirt is acceptable. Shirts must be well fitted to below waist.
  • No logos or name brands are allowed on uniform shirts.


  • Coats, jackets, and all outerwear are to be navy blue, black, gray or white. One solid color is recommended.
  • Please avoid logos or brand name brands on coats, jackets or other outerwear.


  • Shoes should be well fitted, supportive, comfortable, and appropriate for play. 
  • Shoes are to be closed toed/heel- no sandals or flip flops and must have original laces. 
  • Please avoid shoes that are primarily red and have red shoe laces. 
  • No crocs. 
  • No Roller Shoes

Head Coverings

  • No rags or bandanas are permitted
  • Wool caps (during winter months) and baseball caps (during the warmer months) need to be solid navy, black or white without logos or brand names.
  • Wool caps and baseball caps can be worn on the yard only and may not be worn in the classroom or the cafeteria.
  • Other: No excessive jewelry: large earrings/bracelets/make-up/acrylic or press-on nails. 

John Bidwell Elementary has a “No Red” policy; please ensure that even minimal amounts of red are not on clothing, shoes or accessories.

Download Dress Code/ Uniform Policy and Signature Form